Milk and dairy products quality testing

The analysis of the quality of raw milk, dairy products or those containing ingredients of dairy origin, by-products of the dairy industry as well as simulated products (“vegetable cheese”, “soy yogurt”, “almond milk”, etc.) is an important component of the research and testing activity carried out within the ICA R&D laboratories.

We can discuss a good quality raw material milk, when it does not have sediment or non-specific organoleptic characteristics (smell, appearance, color). Values ​​of contaminants (heavy metals, antibiotic or pesticide residues, etc.) that fall within the legal limits must also be considered. Microbiological aspects, respectively a total number of aerobic and mesophilic germs (NTG) as low as possible, a number of somatic cells (NCS) as low as possible, the lack of sporulated bacteria are also factors that underlie the production of high quality dairy products.

But it is not only the raw material that influences the quality of the finished product. Due to the large size of the raw material production chain – finished product sales of dairy origin, numerous points of contamination on the flow of the product have been identified. Thus, from feed analysis, through the process of milking, storage, processing, packaging and distribution, each stage can be analyzed by ICA R&D specialists with specific, modern and automated methods.

The detailed knowledge of the technological processes used throughout the food chain and the endowment with specialized equipment for performing physico-chemical and biological analyzes (considering here microbiology, molecular biology and biochemistry) necessary in each stage, allows ICA R&D specialists to issue test reports having a great accuracy of the presented results.

Milk quality testing and control should be performed at all stages of the food chain. Thus, tests can be performed for:

  • quantity – measuring volume and mass;
  • organoleptic – testing the appearance, color and smell;
  • composition – analysis especially of fat, dry matter and protein content;
  • general physico-chemical characteristics;
  • microbiological characteristics of food safety of the product and hygiene of the production flow;
  • contaminants – antibiotic or pesticide residues; metals;
  • preservatives; other added substances; and so on.

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Analysis, tests, audit, monitoring.

Analysis, tests, audit, monitoring.

Analysis, tests, audit, monitoring.

Analysis, tests, audit, monitoring.

All our tests & services

Analysis, tests, audit, monitoring.

Analysis, tests, audit, monitoring.

Analysis, tests, audit, monitoring.

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Specialized consultancy in terms of product quality and safety.

Specialized inspection and audit in the field of food production.

Training and development opportunities in a laboratory with modern equipment.

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